By Sigrid Salucop
With the high costs for dental work in the United States, Canada, and Europe, more and more individuals from the said places are opting to get dental implants abroad.
With the high costs for dental work in the United States, Canada, and Europe, more and more individuals from the said places are opting to get dental implants abroad.
Dental implants usually cost around $500 to $1, 400 while dental implant with crown costs $2, 000. If one gets dental implants abroad however, the costs are around 30% to 40% less making it a great excuse for many to go visit another country.
A full set of teeth helps us chew our food better and also contributes to improving our self-image. Dental implants have considerable benefits over having conventional dentures that are removable. However, the high cost of dental implants often keeps us from availing them. With medical tourism now a booming industry in many places in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and some parts of Europe, you can now avail of dental implants at a lower cost. Dental implants in places like India, Mexico, Costa Rica, Thailand, El Salvador and Jordan for example have significantly low prices compared to dental implant costs in the United States, Canada, and the UK but how safe is it?
Most countries that have made medical tourism a national industry offer high quality healthcare for medical tourists. The major hospitals of these places also boast the latest technology to perform dental procedures. Hospitals featured by medical tourism agencies for example are hospitals that follow the same standards and procedures as that in dental clinics in the United States.
It is interesting to note that in some of these medical tourism destinations, the dentists even studied longer than the dentists in the United States and the UK. Dentists in the Philippines for example study dentistry at an average of 4 years –not including the years they study for their specialization.
Getting dental implants abroad is safe but medical tourists should still do their homework about the hospitals or clinics they plan to go to.
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