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Medical tourism in exotic India rapidly growing

Saturday, May 12, 2012

By Sigrid Salucop

Medical tourism in India is one of the country’s fastest growing sectors. According to the Indian government, the country is expecting an annual growth of 30% in the Indian medical tourism industry starting in 2015.

As costs for treatment and surgical procedures in the western world become more expensive, more and more people fly to exotic destinations to get medical treatment –be it a non-invasive procedure or a major operation. More and more people from the west are looking into international travel for more affordable healthcare that is why India, like other Asian nations, is banking on the industry’s growth.

According to estimates, the cost of medical treatment in India usually start at a tenth of the prices in the United States or the UK.

India has a universal healthcare system and this industry is rapidly growing. The Indian government estimates that this growth will contribute to making it a US$280 billion industry in the next 10 years.

The good thing about getting medical treatment in India are the costs and with its major cities highly urbanized, getting around is not an issue. However, major cities in the said country are very congested and like other big cities in Asia, they are polluted. Although staying in the big cities of India can be stressful, the country offers a multitude of experiences to the tourist. Its sights and sounds range from the exotic to the extravagant to elegant. Its cuisine, music, and heritage sites are just a few of the things that travelers can immerse themselves into while in India.

India has a number of beautiful sandy beaches, majestic temples and vast deserts. It is also a wonderful destination for spa retreats and adventure sports.

The Indian wildlife is also a sight to behold while in the South Asian country. Whether you are thinking of just going to India to visit the sites or going to the country to get medical treatment, India is definitely a good choice.

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